Eadons Practice Passes
Eadons Practice Passes
Thank you everyone for coming, we hope you all enjoyed your day!
A big thank you to all the observers, the landowner, Jo the caterer, along with the section plotting team of Mick Dubik, Corey Dubik & Mark Timperley
Our next trial is the 26 January at stonedge quarry, Stonedge, Chesterfield.
10.30am start. Three routes with 50/50 between hard and clubman route. White will be laid out as easy as the land allows. Three laps of 12 sections.
Catering van is booked so please support if you can.
Observers and spectators welcome
Enter at the start. Cash or card (assuming we get the card machine working)
Start Date & Time: 26th January 2025 – 10:30am
Location: Stonedge Quarry, Chesterfield
Google Maps Link
What 3 Words: ///proves.petal.rollover
Entry Cost: £20 (enter on the day)
Event type: Club trial, all off road.
Routes / Abilities: Easy, Clubman, 50/50 & Expert
Sections: 3 laps of 12 Sections
Thanks to the course setters Richard Timperley and Mark Timperley, Josh Atkinson booking in, all observers and everyone else who helped.
Next trial is the 26th January.
Practice passes for Eadons are available for 6 or 12 months. See the website for details.
This Sunday (29th) we have a practice event. We have left the flags in so you can have a go at the sections if you like. £15 a rider. Gate open 9.30am
There will be an informal practice day @ Eadons Fields (S18 7UR) on Sunday 29th.
£15 for riders without a practice pass. The £15 is refundable if you sign up for a 6 month or 12 month practice pass on the day.
Start time 9:30 am onwards.
The flags will be left in on a few of the sections from the trial on the 27th, if you would like to have a go. Also flags available to borrow if you would like to setup your own sections.
The weather forecast is looking good!
Our next trial is the Friday 27th December.
The traditional Christmas trial at Eadons Fields.
10.30am start. 12 sections. 3 laps.
Observers and spectators welcome
Closest postcode: S18 7UR
Many thanks to the observers, Joel Crabtree clerk of the course, Andrew Walker steward, Carol and Mark Timperley results. Josh Atkinson for entries.
Setting out team Richard and Mark Timperley
Congratulations to the winners of a slippy centre championship trial.
Well done to all riders and especially the youth riders for finishing.
Hillsborough have a trial next Sunday at Lumb Bush. See sport 80 for details
Our next trial is the Christmas trial on 27 December.
Thank you everyone for coming, we hope you all enjoyed your day!
A big thank you to all the observers, the landowner, Jo the caterer, along with the section plotting team of Mick & Corey Dubik, Joe Spivey, Andy Johnson and Jon Cropper.
We are having a ‘Clear & Ride’ day at Eadons Fields this coming Sunday, all are welcome. Details can be found on our Facebook page.
Our next trial is our East Midland Centre Championship Trial to held on Sunday 1st December at Eadons Fields, please keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
Thanks to the course setters Richard Timperley, Mark Timperley and Steve Turner, all observers, Jo the caterer and everyone else who helped.
Our next event is on the 3rd November.
Many thanks to the observers, course setters and clearers, Jo the caterer, the landowner and everyone else who made it happen.
We have had some enduro bike riders trespassing on Eadons Fields. This is an image of one. If and when they are identified they will be banned from any of our events and reported to the acu and amca.
To use our venue for trials practice you need a valid practice pass, be a member of the club, agree to follow the rules and most importantly a TRIALS BIKE!!
No enduro, pit bikes, quads or any other vehicle.
And at all times you must have your personal rider card attached to your bike. Anyone sharing the gate code or the rider card will lose their right to use the venue. No refunds!!
Please help to keep this venue available for the use it was intended